Check out the new SIM Alignment with Other Practices website.International Journal of Research in Learning Disabilities. The effects of a comprehensive and supplemental middle school reading program.

F., Miller, W., Washburn, J., Chroust, A. New article from SIM researchers Brasseur-Hock, I.Irma Brasseur-Hock & Jocelyn Washburn, presented to middle and high school teachers, school and district administrators, and instructional coordinators and coaches across Missouri in March. Watch the Evidence-based Practices for Adolescents with Literacy Challenges Webinar, with Drs. Listen to the new SIM Stor圜orps: Ignited by Student Success and Fueled by Shared Passion, with Rosemary Tralli and Jocelyn Washburn. Listen to the May 2021 SIM Stor圜orps #2: SIM Goes to Harvard Medical School, with Richard Goldhammer and Sue Woodruff. Read the new article from SIM Professional Development Leaders Rosemary Tralli and Jocelyn Washburn: Accelerating Student Growth through the Strategic Instruction Model: Effective for Decades, Needed Now More Than Ever (.doc).Ĭheck out all the 2021 Virtual SIMposium has to offer! KUCRL was Awarded a 2021 OSEP Educational Technology, Media, and Materials for Individualswith Disabilities, Stepping-up Technology Implementation Grant! Twelve additional SIM Learning Strategies are now listed on the NCII’s Academic and Behavioral Interventions Tool Charts. Check out the new SIOP and SIM Crosswalk on the Integrating SIM with Other Programs, Strategies, and Initiatives Website.